Massage Therapy Treatment

My Massage Therapy treatments integrate a variety of treatment approaches and techniques. These include Swedish, deep tissue, Thai stretching, and craniosacral therapy.

Thai-Style Massage

A different type of Registered Massage Therapy treatment that combines broad and specific compressions with full-body stretching. Thai-Style massage is received fully-clothed on a comfortable mat on the floor.

Pre-Natal Massage

With extra training and over a decade of experience working with pregnant women, I am confident in providing a safe, comfortable and effective massage therapy treatment to women at any stage of their pregnancy.

I graduated from the Canadian College of Massage & Hydrotherapy in 2012, and obtained my designation as a Registered Massage Therapist in the same year.

Traditional Thai massage has been a big part of my massage therapy practice since being introduced to it in 2014. I travelled to Thailand to take advanced courses from various teachers in Chiang Mai in 2015, and continue to learn and expand my skills today. I’ve also been very fortunate to be able to practice and learn alongside many great practitioners both in Chiang Mai and in Toronto.

I have also taken courses in pre-natal massage, Craniosacral therapy, and Anatomy in Motion, and integrate the skills and knowledge from these courses into my practice.

I graduated from the Canadian College of Massage & Hydrotherapy in 2012, and obtained my desi... Read More

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